50% Deposit required upon booking
Clients can view and select unedited photos online within 72 hours post-shoot, with final edits delivered in up to three weeks. The listed rates apply only to non-commercial shoots; commercial licensing quotes are available upon request. Prices are subject to change and exclude travel costs for shoots outside South Florida. Deposits are non-refundable and payable via cash or credit card, with the full balance due at the shoot. A signed model release/contract is required at or before the shoot, and minors must have a parent or guardian present.
50% Deposit required upon booking
Clients can view and select unedited photos online within 72 hours post-shoot, with final edits delivered in up to three weeks. The listed rates apply only to non-commercial shoots; commercial licensing quotes are available upon request. Prices are subject to change and exclude travel costs for shoots outside South Florida. Deposits are non-refundable and payable via cash or credit card, with the full balance due at the shoot. A signed model release/contract is required at or before the shoot, and minors must have a parent or guardian present.

Realtor Special
(Active Licenses Only)
Includes two looks
30 Min Session
Online Proofing
1 Retouched Image
Additional Images -$45 Each

Headshot Basic
Includes two looks
30 Min Session
Online Proofing
1 Retouched Image
Additional Images – $45 Each

Headshot Advanced
Includes five looks
1 Hour Session
Online Proofing
2 Retouched Image
Additional Images -$45 Each